Brandon Boras

Quick Intro

I am a generalist game programmer with a passion for (basically) every game programming discipline. Although I slightly prefer game play programming, my favorite experience is figuring out novel solutions to problems that require a holistic understanding of multiple systems in any given game.

This site is dedicated to showing off some of the previous group projects that I've worked on and the individual pieces that I've worked on recently. This website is still very much a WIP, so feel free to reach out to me via any method on the Contact page if you have any questions!

Previous Projects

These are projects that I have worked on with other people, each page with details on the role I worked on those projects on, what systems I created for it and how I went about creating those systems.

System Demonstrations

These are all portfolio pieces/passion projects that I have made by myself to explore individual ideas that wouldn't be feasible in a game I was working on, and also demonstrate how I like to tackle issues.